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To complete this problem we need to use the density equation, and first we need to find the density of steel.

The density of steel is equal to 7.85gram per centimeter cubed.

See related link below for the source of this.

The density equation is this...

Density = mass/volume

You are trying to find weight... which is mass times gravity. You know the value of density so that part should be easy. Here is the tricky part. You need to know volume yet you have a plate. A plate is actually in volume even tho you only have 2-dimensions listed. We are going to assume that your 3rd dimension for you plate is a small measurement... like 1 centimeter.

Since the value for density is in grams per centimeters cubed you need to convert your 4' by 10' by 1cm steel plate into all centimeters. when you do that your new measurement for your steel plate is ... 121.92cm by 304.8cm by 1cm

Now plug all your values into the density equation

7.85 grams per cm cubed = mass / 37161.216cm3

Mass = 291715.5 grams

Now this seems like a very large number, but it is in grams. So lets convert this answer from grams to something we are more used to like pounds.

291,715.5 grams = 643lbs to 644lbs

This is a pretty heavy plate, but also it is a large plate. Also, remember that I had to guess at the thickness of this plate since that value was not given. So this answer might be a little off. Also, in your question you have 4 x 10' I assume that you meant 4' x 10' and remember that the ' mark means feet.

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Q: How much does a 4 x 10' steel plate weight?
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