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Q: How much does a larger roaster hold?
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How much does a spit roaster cost?

about 14,ooo

How much oil does an oil filter hold?

That depends on the size of the filter, the smaller filters hold about a half quart (same as a pint), the larger filters for cars hold about a quart. Larger trucks, and larger than 4 cylinder diesel will hold quite a bit more.

What is a female roaster called?

A female roaster is simply called a roaster, regardless of gender. There is no specific term for a female roaster.

How does the population density of Canada compare to that of Japan?

well Canada is much larger but will hold a lot of people but doesnt and Japan is the complete oppisite

How many bowls of soup does an 18 quart roaster hold?

Well, isn't that a lovely question! An 18-quart roaster can typically hold around 72 cups of liquid, which is about 18 quarts. Now, if we consider a standard serving size of soup being around 1 cup, you could potentially serve about 72 bowls of soup from that roaster. Just imagine all the happy tummies you could fill with that delicious soup!

If you had a donkey i had a roaster your donkey ate my roaster what would you have?

A donster

How much does a coffee roaster earn a year?

On average? ~45K. Inexperienced but trained? ~30K. Years under your belt, apprenticed multiple people, known as a serious 'master roaster'? ~60K.

How do you know if a frog is female?

Males tend to have much larger, fleshier thumbs. That is how they hold onto her.

Who hold in pee longer boys or girls?

A girl because their lungs are much larger .

Can you boil sap in a roaster?

Yes, you can boil sap in an electric roaster.

When was The Chicken Roaster created?

The Chicken Roaster was created on 1996-11-14.

Do you have to have a roaster to fertilize eggs?

If no roaster one hen will start to fertilize the eggs.