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It varies from case to case, civil to criminal law, the lawyers experience, the prevailing rate where they practice, and their reputation. Around my neck of the woods the usually charge between $150-$200 an hour. Of course the retainer and other fees can greatly vary. Unfortunately it is not always the competence or any of the aforementioned factors that determine how well a particular attorney will work on your behalf. Behind the Scenes, it isn't even like Law and Order where politics may effect the outcome. IT IS WORSE! " I'll scare this young punk ,whose family came up with half they own, to cop a plea to this trumped up charge that wouldn't even stand up in court. Judge Crook, it will make you appear tough on drugs during the next election. You know, I got that big murder case on the docket. You know the defendant, Spoiled Rich, the star quarterback at Corruption High. Oh yell I play golf with Filthy and his wife Stinkin' has tea with my wife. Well YOUR (cough) Honor I'll see at the Poker game Friday night, Filthy will be there, (laugh) you'll make out like a bandit and some of it will roll downhill.

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Q: How much does a lawyer make per hour?
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A corporate lawyer makes about 70,000 dollars to about 150,000 a year!

How much does a lawyer get paid per hour?

220 dollars an hour with most lawyers.

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depends how many hours they worked per day.

How much will it cost me for a lawyer?

That depends on where you live. Where I live it is $350.00 per hour

How much does a general lawyer make?

Lawyers charge by the hour. If you're a very unpopular lawyer, you won't get many clients even if you only charge $10 per hour and you won't be able to charge anyone if nobody wants you to represent them. If you're a very popular lawyer, you get to set your price, and it can be as much as $500 per hour or even more. It's all a matter of supply and demand.

How much you get if you become lawyer?

you know around 1.50 per hour to minimum wage

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My Yearly salary is 60,135.00 how much do i make an hour

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$52.88 an hour.

How much per hour will a labor employment lawyer make per year?

They should make at least 15mill a year so im guessing that they make 700$ an week so just about 150 a day....maybe

If you make 31000 per year how much is that per hour?

$14.90 per hour.

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$14.13 per hour.

How much does a lawyer make per year in Indiana?

$50,000,000 per year!!!