About $450.00
8000 kg or 17636.98 lb mass
it costs about £600
It depends on what part of the world you are buying it in.
Stainless steel tubing can be expensive. It depends on what you are looking for. Depending on how much you need and if you need specific tubing, you can expect to pay around $100 for a small amount.
For a raft foundation, the amount of steel required is in RCC per square meter. This can be calculated using the value of 18 kilograms steel per square meter.
1000 kg
for residential building 1 sqm steel required =8kgs
4.6921 per meter.
There are many different types of steel. It would depend on the specifications of the steel.
How much does a stinless swimming pool cost
$550 what is this in £££!!
It depends on how you parked if you parked like and idiot it you cost $150 if your meter ran out it could be $25.