The map where 1 inch equals 100 miles
The map that is 1 inche equals 100 miles
100 miles
The map with the scale of 1in to 100 miles will show twice as much detail as 1in to 200 miles.
Sometimes it is known as one minute of latitude. For instance, one degree of latitude is 60 nautical miles and a "quadrangle" map projecting 7.5 minutes shows a rectangle about 7.5 nautical miles (minutes) high and about 2/3 of that wide.
Nautical chart
Such a map is commonly known as a nautical chart.
The air distance from Port Saint Lucie, Florida, to Shanghai, China, is 8,173 miles. That equals 13,154 kilometers or 7,103 nautical miles.
water depths and navigational routes
A map which shows the distance from London, England, to Ankara, Turkey, can be scaled to accommodate a separation of 1,764 air miles. That distance between the two country's respective capital cities equals 2,839 kilometers or 1,533 nautical miles.
according to my map, its about 3 inches
Marine Chart or Nautical Chart.
See related link for a star map
Water depth.
navigation on water.