You make $1,733.33 per month.
There are 12 months in the year. So, 80000 a year equals 80000/12 per month or 6666.67 per month.
This depends on how much hours you work per month. But assuming you work 8 hours per day you will earn 20 x 8 = 160 per day. So 160 per day x 30 days = 4800. So you will earn 4800 per month.
Its 15 dollars per month :)
That depends on how many hours you work during that month. It concerns me that you make $2800 per month yet dont know how to figure out how much that breaks down into hourly Your hourly pay = $2800/# of hours worked
$5666.67 per month
$1,666.67 per month.
$3,750 per month.
$5,427.07 per month.
About 2million per month About 2million per month
$1,750.00 per month. you do 21000 divided by 12= 1750 per month
$25,000 per month
Not much if you are an amateur. The question should be how much money does a photographer spend per month!
2 m per month
$5,666.67 per month, before taxes.
3200.00 to 4000.00 a month