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sorry 3/4

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Q: How much does each person get if they equally share 34 of a pizza?
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If you have 24 of a pizza and younwant to share it equally between 2 people.How much of the pizza does each person get?


How do you share 3 pizzas equally with four brothers?

Split each pizza into five equal parts, giving one fifth of each pizza to each person, so that in the end, each person has a total of 3 fifths of pizza, with each fifth coming from a different pizza pie

What fraction does each person get if 12 friends share 4 pizzas equally?

Each friend will receive one third of a pizza.

If 1pizza is shared equally by 6 people then each person will get what fraction of pizza?

Each will get 1/6.

If 6 people share 240 equally how much will each person get?

40 each

If a pizza was divided equally between five people what fraction do each get?

Each person would receive one-fifth (1/3) or 20% of the pizza.

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What fraction does each person get if four friends share a watermelon equally?

Each gets 1/4.

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they each get 2/5ths of the bottle of water

What is a real world problem that involves finding the product of three fourths times one eighth?

There is 3/4ths of a pizza left. There are 8 people waiting to eat the pizza. They want to share the remaining pizza equally. They also want to know the equivalent of how much each person would get of the original whole pizza.

Eight friends share 3 bags of toys what fraction does each person get when they share equally?

eight friends share 3 bags of toys, what fraction does each get.?

How do you share 3.60 equally?

To share 3.60 equally among a group of people, you would divide 3.60 by the number of people. If there are 3 people, each person would receive 1.20.