

Best Answer

It can cost anywhere from 0.45-68.

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Q: How much does gas cost per mile in a car?
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How much would gas cost for a 2542.7 mile drive?

depends on the car Please ask anew question and include the mpg of the car and the cost of gas.

How much does 1000 miles of gasoline cost?

That would depend on how much gas the car used per mile.

Your car averages 18 miles per gal on the highway If gas costs 1.85 per gallon how much does it cost per mile to drive your car on the highway?

it would cost 10 cents per mile

What is the cost in dollars per mile if gas cost 1.85 per gal and your car gets 18 mi per gal?

The answer is $0.10 per mile.

How much would gas cost for a 1234 mile drive?


How much will gas cost if you travel 1200 miles at 3.25 per gallon?

It depends on how much gas you use per mile.

How much it cost in gas from Connecticut to Baltimore?

How much it cost in gas to go from Connecticut to Baltimore depends on the car being driven and the current price of gas.

If you're driving 1600 miles and gas is 3.00 per gallon and the car gets 25 miles per gallon how much would it cost?

A 1,600 mile trip at that rate would cost about $192.00in gasoline.

If your car gets 24 MPG and gas costs 2.75 per gallon how much will it cost to drive 1100 miles?

Number of gallons = (1100 / 24)Cost = (2.75 x 1100) / 24 = $126.05Factoid: You're spending about 11.46¢ per mile on gas

How much does it cost to travel from DC to NYC by car?

Depends on how much gas is.

How much does it cost to drive 950 miles if your car gets 30 mpg and the cost of gas is 4 dollar?

I suggest you first calculate how much gas you need. Then you can multiply by the unit cost of gas to find the total cost. (By the way, gasoline is not the only cost involved in driving a car.)

How much would gas cost for a 400 mile drive?

400 divide by miles per gallon times gas price = answer