1 pound = 14.5833333 troy oz
One troy pound is 13.17 ounces.
about 31.1 grams
SILVER and Gold are measured in many ways the international standard is a system called "Troy Measurements." In Troy one pound (lb) is divided up into 12 Troy Ounces and each Troy Ounce is divided into 20 units called Pennyweight (dwt). A troy ounce is 31.1034768 grams, which is about 10 percent more than the avoirdupois ounce, which is 28.349523125 grams. In July 2010, silver is running about $18.25 an ounce or about $220 a Troy pound.
There are 480 grains in a troy ounce, the troy ounce being the unit most commonly used to weigh silver. There are 7000 grains in an avoirdupois pound, which is commonly used in the US, and 64.79891 milligrams in a grain.
A troy pound is slightly heavier than a regular pound. One troy pound is equal to about 1.215 regular pounds.
There are 12 troy ounces per troy pound, rather than the 16 ounces per pound.
Gold is priced by Troy ounces.A Troy pound is equal to 12 troy ounces, but a 'regular pound' is equal to 14.58 Troy ounces.1 Troy ounce = 1.0971 ounces
1 pound (troy or apothecary) = 0.823 avoirdupois pounds.
A troy pound is equivalent to 12 troy ounces, which is different from a standard avoirdupois pound that is made up of 16 ounces.
Yes, if you are talking about troy pounds to troy ounces. In regular (avoirdupois) pounds, 1 pound is 16 ounces.
An avoirdupois (regular) pound has 16 ounces. A troy pound is 13.1657 ounces.
A pound of gold weighs 14.583 troy ounces. This answer is correct only if you mean an avoirdupois pound. A troy pound (used for precious metals) is 12 troy ounces. If you ask how many troy ounces are in a pound, you would normally mean a troy pound unless you specify another type of measure - there are several different difinitions for the measure "pound".
1 troy pounds is equal to 373.24 grams.
1 troy pound is 13.17 (13.165714286) ounces OR12 troy ounces.
Nickels weigh 5.0 grams each. Get out your calculator and convert that to ounces, then figure out how many ounces there are in a troy pound (try Google, of course) and take things from there.
Troy Pound value would be about $15,811.20