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Q: How much does pine wood cost per cubic inch?
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How much does pine wood cost per square inch?

i9t cost £453.00 pounds to but per square inch. i9t cost £453.00 pounds to but per square inch.

How much does pine wood cost?

A 1x4 inch piece of pine wood costs about .58 cents per foot. This means 12 feet of 1x4 would cost someone about $6.96 cents plus taxes.

How much cost a pine wood?

Pine costs the Medium amount i am not to sure what though

What is the cubic feet of 8x8' pine pole need the formula to calculate cubic feet of pine poles. I am quoted per thousand cubic feet by my supplier.?

answer myself: 33.6 cubic feet in an 8inch round x 8' yellow pine post.

How much does a sheet of half inch 4 x 8 pine plywood weigh?

A sheet of half inch 4 x 8 pine plywood typically weighs around 38-48 pounds, depending on the specific type of pine and any additional treatments or finishes applied.

How much does an Australian pine tree cost?

We just purchased a 7ft Austrailian pine and paid $300.00 (USA) for the tree and to have it planted.

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How many kg in a cubic meter of white pine wood logs?

400-500 kilograms per cubic meter

How much does a 10 foot 2X4 weigh?

The weight of an 8 foot long 2x4 depends entirely on the wood. A soft wood such as Eastern Pine at 25 percent moisture weighs 2.241 pounds per foot. A hardwood such as Yellow Birch will weigh 3.677 pounds per foot.

What would bore a one inch hole in a pine log?


What is the density of pine block?

The density of pine wood can vary, but on average it is around 30-40 pounds per cubic foot.

How much does cubic yard of pine chips weigh?

It depends on how they are cut up and the size of them. It also depends on how long they have been drying out. Too many factors here.