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I would say about $10,000.00 per year.

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Q: How much does the average American family spend on groceries per year?
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What does the average American family spend on groceries a year?

The US Department of Labor estimates that the average family of four spends $8,513 per year on groceries, or about $709 per month.

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How much should a family of 4 spend on groceries in us?

Well if you are in Australia the average money on groceries is usually 300 dollars, i think it is a bit expensive but that's my best answer.

How much does the average family spend on groceries in one week in Massachusetts?

For 2 adults my wife and I spend $125-$150 a week. We buy a lot of produce, meet, and daily.

Average north American grocery receipt?

The average North American grocery receipt typically falls between $50 to $200, depending on factors such as location, family size, dietary preferences, and types of items purchased. Economic conditions, seasonal fluctuations, and special promotions can also impact the total amount spent on groceries.

How much do most people spend on food and grocery items?

Americans spend over $478 Billion per year on groceries. The average American spends over $100 per week on grocery store items. - ZOMG -...US population = 311,597,917 (2011)$478,000,000,000 / 311,597,917 people / 365 days * 7 days per week = $29.42 per person per week$100 - $29.42 = $78.50 per week on grocery store items other than groceries?

How much does the average California family spend on groceries?

On average, a California family spends around $6,000 to $8,000 per year on groceries. This amount can vary depending on factors like family size, eating habits, and location within California.

How much does the average family spend on groceries in one week in Orange county?

The average family in Orange County spends around $150 to $250 per week on groceries, depending on the family size, dietary preferences, and shopping habits. This amount can vary widely based on factors such as location, income level, and eating habits.

How much does the average American family spend on clothing?

Most families spend an average of $624 a year on one child's clothing. This is for a middle class family, with an income of $38000 - $63000.

How much do students spend on food I was wondering what people spend on food every month... How much do you spend on groceries at restaurants and on fast food?

Student on average spends $100 on lunch, drinks...etc. I spend about $300 on groceries and fast food.

How much does the average university student spend on groceries a month?

150-200 pounds a month