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Q: How much energy in a gram of mass?
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How much does a gram weigh in mass?

The gram already is a unit of mass.

How much is 444 kcal in grams?

A kilocalorie is a unit of energy. A gram is a unit of mass. The two units are therefore incompatible.

How do you convert energy transferred per gram into energy transferred per mole?

To convert energy transferred per gram to energy transferred per mole, you need to first calculate the molar mass of the substance in grams per mole. Then, you can use this molar mass to convert the energy transferred per gram to energy transferred per mole by multiplying or dividing accordingly.

How much mass is in a pringle?

About one gram.

What releases twice as much energy than carbohydrates?

Gram for gram, lipids release twice as much energy as carbohydrates do.

How much mater is in a gram?

A gram is a unit of mass, so it measures how much matter is in an object. The mass of an object in grams is determined by the sum of the masses of its individual particles, such as atoms and molecules.

How much energy provided in gram of carbohydrates?

There are approximatley 4Kcal (calories) of energy per gram of carbohydrates.. This is the same in proteins, but 9Kcal of energy are produced in a gram of fat Hope that answers your question :)

How much mass is in one mL of water?

1 gram

How much energy is in one gram of cholesterol?

One gram of cholesterol contains about 8.8 kilocalories of energy.

What is relative atomic mass and how it is related with gram?

when atomic mass of an element expressed in gram atom is called gram atom mass . and formula is number of gram atom=given mass (in gram) by atomic mass ( in gram )

Is a gram part of mass?

A gram is a unit of mass.

Is specific weight is a dimensionless quantity?

energy/mass example: calories/gram