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Q: How much fifty trillion million means in Indian money?
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5 million means how many in Indian currency?

fifty lakhs

1 trillion means how many in Indian Rupees?

1 TRILLION=10 raced to the power of 12 which is1,00,00,00,00,00,000

How long would it take to spend a trillion dollars at spending one billion dollars a day?

The currency is $ therefore A trillion means a million million. 1,000,000,000,000 A billion means a thousand million. 1,000,000,000 It would therefore take 1,000 days.

What is six and a quarter million?

6,250,000. It means six million, two hundred and fifty thousand.

What is a trillion?

The number name "trillion" is used by two competing numbering systems.On the "short scale" used in the US and officially now by the UK, the number name "trillion" means one thousand billion, or 1 x 1012, or 1,000,000,000,000.On the "long scale of Europe, Latin America, and other areas of the world, a "trillion" is one million billion, which is one million million million. Under this scale a trillion is 1 x 1018, a much larger number.

What is 11.6 trillion substract 109.4 billion?

First assumption that the short scheme (or sometimes referred to as the American system) for large numbers is used. This means that billion is 10^9 (thousand times million) and trillion is 10^12 (million times million, or thousand times million). So now you have 11.6 trillion = 11600 billion, and you can subtract: (11600 - 109.4) billion = 11490.6 billion, or 11.4906 trillion = 1.14906 x 1013.

USD 3.5 million means how much Indian rupees?

189875000.00 Indian Rupee

Does tillion mean 10 million?

"Trillion" (with an "r") means a million million (in most English-speaking countries), or a million million million (in many other countries). "Tillion", on the other hand, is not used as a name for a number.

What Term means 1 billion years?

In English-speaking countries, "trillion" usually means a million million (1012). In some other countries, it may mean a million million million (1018). Even with the first definition (the "short scale", a trillion years is much more than the age of the Universe.

1 million dollar means how much Indian Rs?

Actually the million means 10,00,000 [10 lacks] it will change according to the dollar rate. Example if Justin Bieber earns $50 million then his income in Indian rupees is 50*10,00,000=50,000,000

What is trilion?

A trillion is a large number. It is written as a 1 followed by 12 zeroes. This means that a trillion is equal to one million times one million!We can also write this number in a way that mathematicians refer to as standard form; it would be 1 * 1012 in standard form.

How many zeros are there in 1 million Australia?

"Million" means the same all over the world. It is the names for larger numbers (billion, trillion, etc.) that may have different meanings.