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Q: How much for a qr51 l10k gold both sides?
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At minimum its silver value is currently about $7.00 To determine collector value, you must provide either pictures of both sides or a detailed description of both sides.

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Bilateral fracture ankle is the one in which both legs ankles have been got fractured.

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Yes, because the two sides were very evenly matched for much of World War 1.

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Ihave a ten dollar bill that is only printed2/3 on both sides and was told it isn't worth much, but wait it was someone from this web.

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i also have black spots on either sides of my tongue... but didnt gather information abt it much.... ! but i am healthy...

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Both sides together, a little over 1 gallon.

How did the war end and why?

Stalemate. Both sides ended the conflict in much the same place they started. Technically, the war hasn't ended, as the two sides have only agreed a ceasefire - not peace.

How much do hip piercings cost?

50-90 dollars for one side. 100-180 dollars for both sides.

How much is a double headed dime that is the same year on both sides?

It's a novelty or magicians coin and has no collectible value.

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History would probably be pretty much the same where any major war is concerned if both sides were equal in terms of weaponry and equipment.

Which is the best conductor copper gold or tungsten?

Gold, marginally. However, gold melts at a much lower temperature than silver does, so it can't carry as much current before it melts.AnswerThe original answer is incorrect. Silver is the best conductor, followed by copper, then gold.