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Not enough information. You must also know the change in velocity.

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Q: How much force does it take to accelerate a .2 kg object in 2 s?
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Does it take more force to accelerate a moving object?

No, it takes the same force to accelerate a moving object as it does to accelerate a stationary object, according to Newton's first law of motion. The force required depends on the mass of the object and the desired acceleration.

If an object with a net force move?

If an object experiences a net force, it will accelerate in the direction of the force according to Newton's second law. The acceleration of the object is directly proportional to the magnitude of the force applied and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.

When an unbalanced force acts on an object what does the force do?

When an unbalanced force acts on an object, it causes the object to accelerate in the direction of the force. This means that the object will either speed up, slow down, or change direction depending on the direction of the force.

What type of force accelerates an object?

It depends what the situation is. If an object is falling, the weight of the object, which is determined by the object's mass and the gravity, is the force causing it to accelerate. If you're talking about a box being pushed, you could have a person pushing it, which causes it to accelerate, but you also must take into account the force of friction combatting the applied force.

How much force will it take to accelerate a 900-kg car at 6 ms2?

5,400 N.

What is the Formula for Force required to accelerate an object to a predetermined speed?

There is no specific force required to accelerate an object to a predetermined speed. A smaller force will produce a smaller acceleration, so it will take longer to reach the desired speed. A larger force will produce a larger acceleration, so the desired speed will be reached sooner. But either the large or the small force, or any other force, will produce an acceleration, and cause the object to reach the specified speed sooner or later.

What is relationship of force to motion?

take a look at newtons 1st and 2nd laws. Basically if a force is applied on an object in one direction and no other forces are present it will accelerate or decelerate.

How does the amount of inertia relate to the mass of the object?

The amount of inertia of an object is directly proportional to its mass. This means that the more mass an object has, the greater its inertia will be. Inertia is a measure of an object's resistance to changes in its state of motion, and mass determines how much force is needed to accelerate or decelerate an object.

When the force's of an object are balanced describe the motion of the object?

When the forces on an object are balanced, then they have the same effect on itas NO FORCE at all would have. That means that the object does not accelerate,and THAT means that it continues moving in a straight line, at a constant speed.If that didn't blow your mind, then please read it again. One of the things it tells usis that it doesn't take ANY FORCE to keep an object moving.

The amount of stress or force an object can take?

The amount of stress or force that an object can take.

The amount of stress or force that an object can take?

The amount of stress or force that an object can take.

How much force does it take to accelerate a 2000 kg car at 4 m s squared?

The force required to accelerate a 2000 kg car at 4 m/s^2 would be 8000 N (Newtons). This can be calculated using the formula force = mass x acceleration.