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That question cannot be answered without knowing the force of friction. If you ignore friction the answer is none, you only need force to accelerate an object, if an object is already moving at 13m/s it will continue to until a force acts on it because of inertia, which is newton's first law of motion.

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Q: How much force is needed to push a 100 kg at a speed of 13 meters a second?
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"470 meters per second" is a speed, not an acceleration. Assuming you mean "470 meters per second square", that is the same as a change of 470 meters per second every second. Just multiply by the number of seconds to get the change in speed."470 meters per second" is a speed, not an acceleration. Assuming you mean "470 meters per second square", that is the same as a change of 470 meters per second every second. Just multiply by the number of seconds to get the change in speed."470 meters per second" is a speed, not an acceleration. Assuming you mean "470 meters per second square", that is the same as a change of 470 meters per second every second. Just multiply by the number of seconds to get the change in speed."470 meters per second" is a speed, not an acceleration. Assuming you mean "470 meters per second square", that is the same as a change of 470 meters per second every second. Just multiply by the number of seconds to get the change in speed.

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