A yard is a measure of distance, not a measure of mass like the ton.
One ounce equals 28.3495 grams. Accordingly; 22 ounces equal 623.689 grams or approximately 0.624 kilograms.
22 + 22
Depends on location and on what brand of unit you have. Also depends if the unit lost its freon during its failure. Cost with out freon is 1300-1600 with freon R-22 now that is has doubled in price would be 1700-2300.
R-12 freon freezing point (-252)........ R-22 freon freezing point (-256).......
Freon-22 freezes at -256 degrees F.Liquid Freon-22 will freeze your skin on contact.The HVAC Veteran
Yes, R-22 is a type of refrigerant that is commonly referred to by the brand name Freon. Freon is a brand name that has become synonymous with various types of refrigerants, including R-22.
Is r-22 Freon compatible with r-134a freon?
No. Refrigerants can't be blended.
No. Refrigerants cannot be blended.
A fair price for R-22 freon is 35-175 dollars per pound.
21-22 gigajoules per ton