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In many countries there are no limits on what loan sharks can charge.

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Q: How much interest can be put on a 1400 loan?
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How much money is ten percent interest?

It's 1/10th of the amount you put in. The more you deposit or invest, the more interest you get.

What interest rate would you be charged if you have borrowed r100000?

The answer will depend onwho you borrowed it from (a loan shark could well charge more than several hundred times what a reputable lender would charge),how long the loan was for,what the loan was for,what the expected return on your loan was,your credit rating or how risky the lender considered you,what securities you could put up - in case you did default on the loan,what the inflation rate was - now and over the term of the loan,the "normal" loan size for the lender.

Shawn bought a home for 100000 he put 20 percent down and obtained a mortgage fo 30 years at 5 5 percent what is the total interest cost of the loan?

Since Shawn bought the house for 100,000 and paid 20,000 (he put 20% down), the loan amount would be 80,000 (100,000 - 20,000). In order to find the total interest cost of the loan, first we need to find the balance that would be after 30 years with a 5.5% interest, and subtract from that balance the loan amount of 80,000: A = Pert A = 80,000e(0.055)(30) A = 416,558.39 I = A - 80,000 = 416,558.39 - 80,000 = 336,558.39 Thus, the house would cost 336,558.39 more than the price of the house, if Shawn would buy it in cash.

If you put 300000 dollars at 10 percent interest for 25 years how much money would you have?

The equation is: 300000 x (1 + 0.1)25 which equals 3250411.8

What is the fundamental difference between simple and compound interests?

Simple interest:Every time interest is paid, it's paid on the amount you originally put in.Compound interest:Every time interest is paid, it's paid on the amount you had after the last time interest was paid.So, part of the interest that's paid today is interest on all the interest that's ever been paid, ontop of the amount you originally put in.

Related questions

Are home loan equity rates variable?

Yes, it depends on how much you put down for a down payment, and how much you are making payments. The faster you pay off your loan, the less interest you will owe.

Where do you put loan interest and bank overdraft in final accounts junior cert?

interest on bank overdraft.

Can you get car loan with bad pay history from previous loan?

One man had bad credit and had to pay 27% interest on his loan. Yes, he got a car loan. He did not get a 7% loan. You can probably get a car loan. There is no telling what percent you will have to pay and how much down payment you will need to put up.

Is a simple interest loan calculator simple?

Yes, usually these calculators just allow you to put in the principal amount of the loan, number of months the loan is over, and the interest rate and it helps you figure out your problems.

Is it better to pay off the interest or the prinicipal on a loan first?

Make your payments on time and pay as much extra on the principle. That will drop your interest as well. On most payment plans, you are paying the interest first and nothing on the principle. Put as much as you can into it and get it paid off quicker and cheaper.

How does the royal bank loan calculator work?

A loan calculator will take certain figures into account to then work out how much you would be paying back over a period of time. You put in how much you want to borrow, the type of loan you seek, the payment period, the payment frequency and the interest rate that you require.

How to refinance my car and lower the interest?

To refinance a car you will have to go to a bank and apply for a new loan or find a bank online with a lower interest rate. You will likely have to put money down to get the loan though.

How much do you need to put down on a home loan if you have a 2-year bankruptcy with a reaffirmed car loan and no other credit?

I seriously doubt there would be much chance of securing a homeowner's loan given these circumstances. If it were at all possible the interest rate and down payment would be VERY high, regardless of the value of the property.

If you have a written loan with another person and 7 years later you go to court can the judge award him interest even if it wasnt put in the agreement this is in ny?

This has many reprocussions. Typically the court will impute a reasonable interest in the case of a loan. Another thing to watch is that an interest free loan is considered to be providing you with an income equal to the interest. That has to be reported on Federal Tax forms.

When was glue put on envelopes?

At least since the 1400's and probably much earlier.

How much oil do you put in your 1993 Suzuki intruder 1400?

3.7 L or about 4 qt

Average interest rate on small business loans?

that can't really be said as it dpeends on how much a person put down and their credit score. Try this