The answer depends on the tax rate and since you have not shared that crucial bit of information, it cannot be answered.
However, if you find the tax, say it is 21%. You divide by 100, multiply by (100+21) and this gives total plus tax.
105.00 plus tax
That depends how much the tax is.
It depends on what % the tax is.
That all depends on the tax-rate. The question is asking "How much is 499.99 plus more ?"
That depends what the level of tax is.
105.00 plus tax
Answer: 12999 m = 42,647.637 '
How much is 349 plus 0.6 tax
That depends how much the tax is.
That depends on how much the tax is.
It depends on what % the tax is.
Depends on the tax rate. e.g. 100 plus 20% tax = 120
That all depends on the tax-rate. The question is asking "How much is 499.99 plus more ?"
That depends on the tax rate.
That depends on the tax rate.
depends on the rate of tax
That depends on the tax rate.