The 1927 wheat penny is worth a minimum of .35 cents. Depending on the grade the coin recives (what condition it is in) it can be worth much more. There were 144,440,000 1927 coins minted.
About 3 cents.
1 cent
.35-5.00 depending on condition.
This coin is common and is worth 2 to 5 cents in circulated condition.
It's a common date, currently worth around 10 cents.
A wheat penny is worth about $1,000,000
one penny
It depends on the condition of the penny
1927, though old, is a fairly common date for pennies. The value ranges from around 10 cents up to a few dollars depending on condition.
The value of a 1929 D wheat penny depends upon the condition that the penny is in. A 1929 D wheat penny that is not in good condition is worth about $4.00, a 1929 D penny in pristine mint condition is worth $446.
No more than 5 cents, no less than 2 cents...not worth much at all, even though it is a wheat penny...
It depends on the mint mark
Please look at the date again. 1958 was the last year for Wheat Penny's.
Wheat cents were struck from 1909 to 1958
One cent
About 3 cents.