poorly stated question,
I get that the rate is $20 per lin Ft
If the 27 is the inches wide of the runner that is useless info
were looking for how many lineal or lenght feet
It might also be worth a clarification is that per side or is the $20 for both sides per ft
No - a square foot is a unit of area. A linear foot is a unit of distance.
A linear foot is also one foot; it is a length. For example if you buy a rug runner that is 3 feet wide by 18 feet long its length is 18 linear feet
The answer depends on how wide the carpet bolt is. For example, 53 linear feet of a 6 foot bolt is 318 ft2. At $0.53 per ft2, the cost would be $168.54. When the price is given in $/ft2, you need to know the width of the bolt to convert your linear foot needs into a price.
A foot IS a linear measure so a foot is a linear foot. So 84 linear feet is 84 feet.
Yes - a foot is a linear foot. They mostly use the term linear foot when you might confuse the meaning with square feet. For example a roll of carpeting might be sold by the linear foot .
A linear foot IS a foot, so the answer is 2000
No - a square foot is a unit of area. A linear foot is a unit of distance.
A linear foot is also one foot; it is a length. For example if you buy a rug runner that is 3 feet wide by 18 feet long its length is 18 linear feet
The answer depends on how wide the carpet bolt is. For example, 53 linear feet of a 6 foot bolt is 318 ft2. At $0.53 per ft2, the cost would be $168.54. When the price is given in $/ft2, you need to know the width of the bolt to convert your linear foot needs into a price.
what is a vetical linear foot
Same as "foot". The term "linear" is used to distinguish from square foot, or cubic foot.Same as "foot". The term "linear" is used to distinguish from square foot, or cubic foot.Same as "foot". The term "linear" is used to distinguish from square foot, or cubic foot.Same as "foot". The term "linear" is used to distinguish from square foot, or cubic foot.
A foot IS a linear measure so a foot is a linear foot. So 84 linear feet is 84 feet.
A running foot is the same a a foot or a linear foot - a measure of 30.8 centimetres.A running foot is the same a a foot or a linear foot - a measure of 30.8 centimetres.A running foot is the same a a foot or a linear foot - a measure of 30.8 centimetres.A running foot is the same a a foot or a linear foot - a measure of 30.8 centimetres.
Yes - a foot is a linear foot. They mostly use the term linear foot when you might confuse the meaning with square feet. For example a roll of carpeting might be sold by the linear foot .
A square metre is a unit of area. A linear foot is a unit of length. The two units are therefore incompatible.
A linear foot is the same as a foot. So, an 18-foot diameter circle would measure 18 linear feet in diameter!
The term linear foot just means that you are measuring in a straight line. It's still the same length, a linear foot is a foot, 12 inches.