£75.00 (British Pounds) are worth $121.96 in US Dollars (12,196 pennies). If you meant, "how much would 75 lbs in weight of US 1¢ coins be worth", then the answer is $96.07.
You mean how much is five pounds of gold worth? If they are Troy Pounds, then each pound is 12 Troy ounces, so you can check the financial section of the newspaper for the spot price of gold and multiply it by 60. That would be in the neighborhood of $48,000 right now.
How much coins of 25cents do you need to complete $175
i gallon worth of pounds
A nickel is 5 cents so one roll of 40 coins is worth 5 * 40 = 200 cents, or $2. Five rolls of $2 each then totals $10.
It depends on what coins they are.
Well, isn't that a happy little question! Five pounds worth of 5 pence pieces would weigh the same as five pounds of anything else. You see, weight is not determined by the value of the coins, but rather by the total amount of the coins. Just imagine all those shiny coins adding up to five pounds, bringing joy and abundance to your day.
fifty five pounds
100 intis to uk pound
Five pounds
10000 pounds
Retail values are $312.00-$431.00 for circulated coins. Uncirculated coins start at $575.00
£75.00 (British Pounds) are worth $121.96 in US Dollars (12,196 pennies). If you meant, "how much would 75 lbs in weight of US 1¢ coins be worth", then the answer is $96.07.
How much ancient coins are worth depends on where they are from and in what condition they are. It also depends on how rare they are.
From 5 pounds in the pit up to 40 pounds or so in the gallery seats. Not all the gallery seats cost the same. Being a groundling is definitely worth it.
The coins are Jefferson nickels. Both dates are 35% silver coins. Circulated coins are $1.75-$2.25 depending on condition.