To convert 3.666666666666667 feet to inches, you need to multiply by 12 (since there are 12 inches in a foot). Therefore, 3.666666666666667 feet is equal to 43.99999999999999 inches. Rounded to the nearest whole number, 3.666666666666667 feet is approximately 44 inches on a ruler.
3.166667 inches is 3.166667 inches, whether on a ruler or anywhere else.
Depends on the length of the ruler A 6 inch ruler would show 6 whole inches A 12 inch ruler would show 12 whole inches.
On the Imperial Scale Rule ; it is divided into 12 inches, which is 1 foot.
12 inches, which is 1 foot which is the size of a ruler.
show 1.38" on a ruler
look in the ruler
It is 2.25 inches - whether on a ruler or on a measuring tape or whatever.
Where is 0.71 inches on the ruler
3.166667 inches is 3.166667 inches, whether on a ruler or anywhere else.
It is 12/0.78
It's almost exactly 1/5 of the way from the beginning of the ruler to the 1-inch mark.
Depends on the length of the ruler A 6 inch ruler would show 6 whole inches A 12 inch ruler would show 12 whole inches.
It is 2/10 past the one inch mark on a ruler.
On the Imperial Scale Rule ; it is divided into 12 inches, which is 1 foot.
It depends on the ruler. Common units are inches or centimetres.
The customary ruler uses both inches and centimeters.