It is 30 pesos and kulang na pantaxi flagdown
15% of 30 cents is 4.5 cents 15% of 30 dollars is 4.5 dollars
28.00 GBP=43.6788 USD according to
It is: 8.4 pounds
18 dollars
36 dollars.
30 British pounds = 60.93300 U.S. dollars
30 U.S. dollars = 18.4320472 British pounds
£30 is $48.28 CAD
around 20 to 30 austrailan dollars.
One British pound equals 1.7 U.S. dollars. This would translate 30 British pounds into 51.28 dollars in the United States.
It would be about 18 Pounds Sterling.
1 British Pound = 1.567 Australian Dollars 30 British Pounds-= 47.01 Australian Dollars
As of June 30 2009, 4 British pounds = 6.5872 U.S. dollars The rates may change with time.
41 dollars
about 30 pounds, no idea how many dollars though...