It is 6.34 dollars.
36809815 dollar
6 Billion U S Dollars
6,000,000,000 pennies equals $60,000,000 (sixty million dollars). 6 billion is about half of the total number of pennies made each year - 13,000,000,000 - so you are unlikely to see that many at once.
It is 6.34 dollars.
just 6 dimes ?
36809815 dollar
The exchange rate is currently about 50 Rupees to the dollar (as of April 2012). So 6 billion dollars would be worth 300 billion Rupees.
Going by google:Rupee, sign is SCR.$6 Billion Rupee/SCR = $424 Million USD (US dollars)
a billion billion is 1,000,000,000 x 1,000,000,000 i.e. 1,000,000,000,000,000,000, A quintillion I would say. divided by 6 billion is 16,666,666.67 dollars
6 billion dollars a year
6 billion dollars
6 Billion U S Dollars
Well I know that the NFL brings in 6 billion dollars yearly, so around 20 billion to buy the NFL.