It is 7.50 * 25 = 187.50.
You seem not to be aware but you could have obtained the answer much more easily and quickly by using the calculator that comes as part of your computer.
About $18.17/hour @36 hours per week.
20 hours x 20 per hour = 400 per week
15.73 per hour
About $18.17/hour @36 hours per week.
That depends on how many weeks are worked a year and how many hours a week. In a 50 week year at 40 hours a week it is 12 an hour In a 48 week year at 38 hours a week it is 13.57 an hour and so forth.
1650 per week.
270.00 a week
$362/40 hours = $9.05 per hour
20 hours x 20 per hour = 400 per week
It depends how many hours a week you work
15.73 per hour
49 hours
$192.31 per hour for a 40-hour work week.