1 square feet equals 0.09 square metres. Therefore the answer can be given multiplying the number of square feet with 0.9 to covert to square metres. So, the answer here is 79 square metres.
850 square feet is 78.97 square meters.
9,149.32 ft2
94.44 SQUARE yards
To discover the number of gallons of water in an 850 square foot pool, we'll need to know the depth of the pool. For a pool with 850 square feet and a known depth in feet, we'll find the volume by multiplying 850 ft2 by the depth in feet. With the answer in hand (and it will be in ft3 because we'll have a volume of water), we can find the number of gallons. There are about 7.48 gallons of water in a cubic foot. By multiplying our volume in ft3 by 7.48 (which is the conversion factor), we'll have discovered the volume of the pool in gallons.
850 square feet equates to 78.968 square meters.
850 square feet is 78.97 square meters.
850 yards² = 7,650 ft²
9,149.32 ft2
The ProForm 850 takes up about four square feet, but can be folded up if more space is ncessary.
94.44 SQUARE yards
A good quality 1 bedroom apartment is about 850 square feet. Look at an official badminton (shuttlecock) court (real court or diagram with dimensions). The overall dimensions are 44 feet length and 20 feet width. That area is 880 square feet, a little (30 square feet) over your number.
Between 850 to 1250, check crags list Kansas city mo
850 sq feet = 78.967584 sq meters