34 hours at 8 dollars an hour works out to $272.
8 hours and 34 minutes.
8 hours 34 minutes to drive 600 miles at 70 mph.
About 8 hours going to LIRF and 9 hours coming back to KJFK
8 hours 34 minutes 16 seconds
The shortest driving time is 8 hours and 34 minutes.
8:26am to 4:00pm is 7 hours and 34 minutes.
34 hours is 2,040 minutes.
Do you mean five DAYS and 34 hours or do you mean 39 hours, which is 34 hours plus 5 hours? Please write your question a bit more clearly.
@65 mph - 8 hours 34 minutes. @75 mph - 7 hours 25 minutes.