Three billion five hundred thousand (3,000,500,000) in standard form is: 3.0005 × 109
One more than two billion three hundred forty two thousand two hundred and two, or 2,000,342,203
Seven billion, five hundred thirty-six million, three hundred one thousand, three hundred ninety-eight
One billion, three hundred forty-two million, seven hundred five thousand, four hundred ten
Three billion five hundred thousand (3,000,500,000) in standard form is: 3.0005 × 109
One more than two billion three hundred forty two thousand two hundred and two, or 2,000,342,203
Sixty-three billion, three hundred eighty million, five hundred nine thousand, seven hundred ten.
Three hundred thousand.
312000400000 = 312,000,400,000
Seven thousand million divided by three hundred million equals 23.33
Three billion, five hundred fifty-two million, three hundred eight thousand, seven hundred twenty-five
Seven billion, five hundred thirty-six million, three hundred one thousand, three hundred ninety-eight