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Clii: c 100 + l 50 + ii 2 = 152

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Q: How much is CLII in roman numerals?
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What is 152 in roman numerals?


How do you write152in Roman Numerals?

It is: 152 = CLII

What does CLII mean in roman numerals?


What is the roman numerals for 152?

I = 1D = 50C = 100So 152 is CDIIImproved Answer:-It is: 152 = CLII

What does CLII stand for in roman numeral?

It is: CLII = 152

What is 152 written in Roman Numerals?

100 = C 50 = L 1 = I 152 = 100 + 50 + 1 + 1 = CLII

What is the roman numeral 152?


How is the roman number for 152 written?


How much is mcmiv in Roman numerals?

You have already given it in Roman numerals

How do you write 152 in roman numeral?

You would write it as XDIIImproved Answer:-It is: 152 = CLII which means 100+50+1+1 = 152.

How much is cmiimx in Roman numerals?

They are meaningless because they are an invalid arrangement of Roman numerals

How much is cmxlvII in Roman Numerals?

Under today's rules the Roman numerals CMXLVII represent 947.