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Indian Head Nickels (with a buffalo on the back) were only minted from 1913 to 1938, so I have to assume you have something else -- perhaps a Liberty Head Nickel (with a big "V" on the back)? A well-worn 1891 Liberty Head Nickel is worth about $3.00

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Q: How much is a 1891 Indian head nickel worth in okay condition?
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What is the worth of an 1891 US penny?

A 1891 Indian Head 1 cent coins retail price is $1.00- $10.00 in circulated condition.

What is the value of an 1891 buffalo head nickel?

Please check your coin again and post a new, separate question.There aren't any "buffalo head" nickels. They're called Indian head OR buffalo nickels and show the entire animal, not just its head.There aren't any from 1891, either. The first Indian head nickels were minted in 1913. An 1891 nickel would be a Liberty head nickel.

What is the value of an 1891 Indian Head nickel?

Please check again and post a new question. Indian head nickels were made from 1913 to 1938.

How much is a 1891 penney worth?

The 1891 Indian Head Cent retails at $3.00-$7.00 for average circulated coins

What the value of an 1891 indian head penny?

8-7-11>>> Retail values for this coin in collectible average condition are $1.00 to $5.00. The 1891 Indian Head cent is considered common.

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This coin in circulated condition is worth around $23. this coin n uncirculated condition is worth around $7,000.

What is the value of an 1891 wheat penny?

There is no such coin. The wheat design was introduced in 1909 and was minted until 1958.If you have an Indian head cent with that date, it's worth $1 to $3 in average condition.

What is your 1891 Liberty Head Silver Dollar worth?

Minimum of $24, one in perfect condition can be worth $8100 or more.

What is the value of 1891-s Morgan dollar?

This coin in circulated condition is worth around $37. this coin in uncirculated condition is worth around $1,550 depending on quality.

Worth of 1891 silver dollar?

For 1891, the value is really determined by the mint mark. One with no mint mark is worth $22 to $30, depending on condition. An 1891-O is worth $22 to $90. The '91-S is $22 to $50. Then the more elusive '91-CC is worth at least $50 and as much as $200.

What is a 1891 silver penny worth?

The U.S. never minted silver pennies. 1891 Indian head cents were made of bronze. Please check your coin again and post a new question.

How much is this worth Modelo Argentino 1891 Mauser Army Sword Bayonet T9149?

$15 to $40 depending on condition.