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Q: How much is a 1 hour massage?
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Related questions

What is a length massage?

The length of a massage can be measured in minutes, as in event massage or chair massage. And it can be in hourly increments. The most common is one hour, though an hour and a half is also popular. In some places, they also offer a 2 hour massage. The longest professional massage I personally have experienced was almost 2 1/2 hours long in Thailand.

What is the average salary for massage therapist in Ireland?

Not much about 5 pounds an hour.

How much does a good massage therapist in California earn?

Massage therapists often set their own pricing for their services. People will pay up to $100 an hour for a massage.

How much does it cost per hour for a massage therapist in Tucson, AZ?

The cost of a massage therapist depends of the type of massage that you are getting. The cost also varies with every business location. However, the average cost per hour for a massage therapist in Tucson, AZ is around $85.

How much does a massage therapist get paid per hour?

The standard across the country is a dollar a minute, or $60 per hour.

How much do you usually get paid an hour for massage therapy?

It depends on where you live. The college responsible for governing massage therapists in your province/state (CMTO in Ontario) has set guidelines for fees. example? Toronto - 80$ an hour Barrie - 65$ an hour

How much does a massage therapist make in Phenoix?

Rates for a one hour massage vary throughout the US. In general, the current going average is $60 per hour. Please remember that a one hour massage requires about one hour of prep work and post session follow up work, so a one hour massage really takes two hours. If you are working for someone else, they will do this for you. So, in effect, you are only making about $30 an hour.

How much does a massage therapist get paid in north Idaho?

like 17 dollars an hour its good moiney (ed. actually it varies depending on education and experience. A good, simple, relaxation massage can generate about 25.00 an hour. specialization such as "Reiki", "Rolfing", or Rehabilitative massage can bring in anywhere from 40.00 to 70.00 an hour. As in all fields the income is proportional to the education and skill.)

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Canine massage therapists typically make $50 to $120 per hour for their services. On average this can equal anywhere from $65,000 to $150,000 per year.

Massage Therapy how much do thay get payed $$$$?

I have a friend who is a licensed massage therapist and he gets 40 dollars per hour. He has his own business cards that he hands out and sometimes he works for salons.

How much money does an esthetician make at massage envy?

15 an hour plus 10% on commision on retail, plus tips

A new client comes to you requesting a full hour massage on his back what should you do?

A new client comes to you requesting a full hour massage on his back, what should you do?Answer this question…