None of the Bicentennial half dollar coins made for general circulation contain any silver or are worth more than face value. Only Proof and collectors coins sold from the US Mint are worth more.
It is not worth anything
Around $12.
Depends on what you want to know for. Some collectors will pay more than the $15 you could get for the silver content. Technically the silver dollar is worth about $30, but not many will pay that much. Might be an anomaly on it somewhere which raises value. If you're talking about the Kennedy half dollar, it is worth half as much for the silver value, maybe 3/4ths of the silver dollar. Not worth much to a collector.
Its worth about $5 in scrap silver. It is 40% silver and only worth scrap silver.
Yes, it contains 40% silver and is worth about $5 in silver content as of the time of writing.
a half hundred dollar bill is worth $50
HALF a dollar - $0.50
A 1969-S proof half dollar - aka - Kennedy Half Dollar is worth: $7.00.
Kennedy is on the HALF dollar. A 1994 half is worth 50 cents.
The 1966 Kennedy half dollar is 40% silver and worth about $5.00.
A Jefferson half dollar would be a real find, because Jefferson is on the nickel and JFK is on the half dollar. Regardless, a 1979 nickel is worth 5¢ and a 1979 half is worth exactly 10 times as much.
The Bicentennial Half Dollar is worth from $2-5
It's a common bicentennial half dollar, worth 50 cents.
Better check your dates again. The only U.S. half dollar with a 1922 date is a Grant Memorial Commemorative. In circulated condition, it's worth about $60. If you have the variety with the extra star, then about $450
ti is worth about 1oo
The Brits did not produce Half Dollar coins.
A 1860 Liberty Seated Half Dollar in good condition (G4) is worth: $250.00.