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Q: How much is a pent?
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How much is five pent worth?

500 dollars

How much money was pent per minute on the London fireworks?

a pent is 12 shillings. a shilling was the like a 5 cent piece to us ... hope it help xx

What words start with pent?

Pent, penta, pentagon, pentameter, Pentateuch, pentathion, Pentecost, Pentecostal, pent-house,pent-up,Pentagon, penthouse, and Pentecost

Why is a pent house called a pent house?

just name

When did Juku Pent die?

Juku Pent died in 1995.

When was Juku Pent born?

Juku Pent was born in 1918.

What is the meaning of pent up emotions?

pent up emotions means pent up emotions. Any idiot knows that.

How do you use pent in a sentence?

The odor was pent-up inside the house

When was Utica Pent-Ups created?

Utica Pent-Ups was created in 1901.

Is pent a word?

YES, pent is a word.It means confined, shut up or repressed.

What are pent up gases?

The term "Pent-up" is anunusual choice of wording but I understand what you mean. It means to store up as gas is in a gas cylinder. Pent-up usually applies to ones emotions which are pent-up, or held in check.

What is a sentence with pent-up?

A jog at the end of the workday is a good release for pent up frustration.