The total tax is $0.51 and the total price with tax is $9.01.
The cost is $16.84
It would cost $17.70 after the discount.
You will pay 45 + tax.
sales tax is $2.33 total cost is 38.18
The total tax is $0.51 and the total price with tax is $9.01.
The total tax is $1.40 (the total price with tax is $21.35).
The cost is $16.84
$7.65 + tax.
It would cost $17.70 after the discount.
You will pay 45 + tax.
The tax is 2.82
900$ us
0.75 x 95.00 = 71.25 off cost = 95.00 -71.25 = 18.75
sales tax is $2.33 total cost is 38.18
78.44 (A+)