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Q: How much is a spending ticket in Garden City ga if the speed limit is 35 miles per hour and you were clocked at 58 miles per hour?
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There is no particular age limit. If you can get a ticket, you can go.There is no particular age limit. If you can get a ticket, you can go.There is no particular age limit. If you can get a ticket, you can go.There is no particular age limit. If you can get a ticket, you can go.There is no particular age limit. If you can get a ticket, you can go.There is no particular age limit. If you can get a ticket, you can go.There is no particular age limit. If you can get a ticket, you can go.There is no particular age limit. If you can get a ticket, you can go.There is no particular age limit. If you can get a ticket, you can go.There is no particular age limit. If you can get a ticket, you can go.There is no particular age limit. If you can get a ticket, you can go.

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How much will a ticket cost if you are 1-19 mph over the 65 highway mph speed limit?

I just got a ticket for going 79 in a 55 and my ticket was for $160. I want to know personally 1. how old you are, 2. what state you're in, and 3. what kind of area it was that you got a speeding ticket (be it a school zone, highway, two way street).. that would make this answer more helpful than just posting how much it costs, though I'm not saying that was a bad answer, I'm just saying about what would've helped out more.

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Purchasing construction

What will a ticket cost in Shelbyville Illinois going 38 mniles over the speed limit?

38 miles over the speed limit in Shelbyville, Illinois what will the cost of the ticket be?

If a speeding ticket says over posted limit but there was no posted limit does this make the ticket void?

No it will not void the ticket. There are standard speed limits set by state statute which must be obeyed whether they are posted or not. Exceeding these can result in a violation.