best guess.... check ebay. worth is acually determined by what someone is willing to pay. right now it is going for around 20-30.00 dollars
10c to 60c depending on condition.
It cost could be up to 50,000
It is only 3-5 cents.
A US "penny" is actually a 1 cent coin, worth 1/100 of a dollar. A British penny (the coin's official name) is worth 1/100 of a pound sterling.
US pennies have never been made of silver.
A penny is always worth a penny no matter what.
A single UAE Penny is worth about .0027 USD or about 27% of a Penny
It is worth about 1.25$
one cent or $0.01
5 cents
3 cents.
2344440093 Bucks
3 cents.
2 cents.
It's worth about two cents for the copper.
One one-hundredth of a dollar. A cent. A penny is worth a penny, that's why they make them.
it was worth 1cent but now its worth bout a half mil.