"Rare earths" is a collective name for 17 different elements; pressumably each of them would have a different price.
2 to 5 cents in circulated grades. This is not a rare coin.
1919 is not a rare date for Lincoln cents ... In average circulated condition, it's worth about 10 cents.
Depends really on the year. If it is a very rare year, it could be worth still a decent amount. If it is a common year, it is only worth about 1 cent.
An Indian head nickel that is 24 karat gold layered, with no date, mint mark, and has been circulated is worth between $0.05 and $0.30 (as of 2013). Although they are rare, they are not worth a lot of money.
1942 is not a rare date for Lincoln cents -- and copper is the normal metal for that date (1943 is the year for steel cents, so a copper 1943 is the rare one). In circulated condition your 1942 cent is worth about 3 cents. A nice uncirculated one is worth about $1.00 That's PENNY, not "pennie". In any case 1942 cents are not rare. In worn condition they're worth less than a dime. With only moderate wear, a 1942 cent with no mint mark under the date is worth about a quarter. With a D, 30 cents; with an S, 70 cents.
Most of the rare earth metals.
it is worth ten cents. It is not rare.
depends how rare it is
These coins are NOT rare and are worth face.
It's not especially rare. In average condition, it's worth about $27.
How much ancient coins are worth depends on where they are from and in what condition they are. It also depends on how rare they are.
how much is 1938 penny worth
this rare u.s. coin is worth however much a man will pay for it
it is worth about 30000000000 dollars because it is really rare
Are any of their records rare, after millions of copies were sold? In any case, they are worth whatever someone will pay for them.