1/8 = 0.125
Hi, If the numerator is greater than the denominator, you result will be a whole number with a decimal remainder. For example, 7/4 = 7÷4. 7 is greater than 4, so when you do the division, the result will be 1.75. Correct me if Im wrong.
Yes. You can see this if you convert them to decimals 1/4 = .25 1/8 = .125
The decimals increase incrementally by 0.125 for each eighth added. So 0 eighths is 0, 1 eighth is 0.125, 2 eighths is 0.25, etc.
0.125 litres
3.5 grams. One-eighth of one ounce
Yes. You can see this if you convert them to decimals 1/4 = .25 1/8 = .125
One forth is twice as large as one eighth. One forth divided by two is one eighth, and one eighth times two is one forth.
The decimals increase incrementally by 0.125 for each eighth added. So 0 eighths is 0, 1 eighth is 0.125, 2 eighths is 0.25, etc.
a snipe, or split