How much is 6 euro in us dollar
France has not used the franc as its currency since 2002 when they adopted the euro. At that time the exchange rate was US$1.00 = 5.13FF
$1.46 as of 29 Aug 2008
$1.00 in US money is 0.7042 Euro in Germany. 1 Euro is equal to about $1.42 (or excactly 1.42005) in US money.
As of December 5, 2010 1 euro= 1.336 US dollar.
1 US Dollar = 0.65316 Euro 1 Euro (EUR) = 1.53102 US Dollar (USD)
Buying 1 euro costs any where from $1.30-$1.40, the exchange rate changes daily.
As of today's date which is August 18, 2014 one Euro is equal to one dollar and thirty four cents. The Euro is the currency which replaced the currency of several European countries.
In France they use the euro. just check the exchange rates between the dollar and euro here's one webpage where you can do that:
It would be worth €0.69 (69 Euro Cents).
The currency of Greece is the Euro. Jan 2010 exchange rate : $1 = €0.67. €1 = $1.43
1 Euro is 1.52 Canadian Dollar.
As of 11/22/2015 1 Euro = 1.064 Dollar.
It's 375,06 euro.
one euro is 1.5115 USA dollars.
1.000 euro equals 1.662 Australian dollar .010 euro equals .017 Australian dollar