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Q: How much is one share if 4.20 is divided into 7 equal shares?
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How much is one share if 4.20 is divided into seven equal shares?

4.2/7 = 0.6

What is a share-for-share exchange?

Pretty much what it sounds like: two investors exchange an equal number of shares of two different companies. This is usually done when a corporation is taking over another one: the investors in the company being swallowed will turn in their shares in the old company for shares in the new one.

What is a share exchange?

Pretty much what it sounds like: two investors exchange an equal number of shares of two different companies. This is usually done when a corporation is taking over another one: the investors in the company being swallowed will turn in their shares in the old company for shares in the new one.

What is Internet share trading for?

Internet share trading is for trading shares and stocks online. It is much easier than doing it on location and one can trade shares online any time of the day from the comfort of home.

How much is a share of apple?

$5 million dollars (steve earned over 6 million in shares)

What are share prices?

When a business needs to raise cash, they arrange to sell shares of the business to individual people. There are regulations to be followed, but basically a share is a piece of ownership of the company. If you buy a share, you own that much of the company. The share price is what you have to pay for it. If a lot of people want the shares, and there aren't enough to go around, the price will go up. If people don't trust the company, they all try to sell their shares and the price of each share will go down.

How much does the government of India owns the state bank of India?

Goverments Share: 51% Public Shares: 49%

How much is one euro in share now?

Shares are commodities. They are certificates to show you own part of a company.Shares vary in price according to what the company is worth and how many there are.You can buy shares in most large companies. The price of the share is shown on the stock market.

What countries share a border with exactly one other country?

Scotland shares the boarder with England. Wales shares the boarder with England. Ireland shares the boarder with Northern Ireland. Norway shares her boarder with Sweden. How much should you trust that answer ^ since they cant spell border.......

How much money has the average share holder of twitter made in the past 12 months?

Twitter is a private company, there are no shares.

What are prices?

When a business needs to raise cash, they arrange to sell shares of the business to individual people. There are regulations to be followed, but basically a share is a piece of ownership of the company. If you buy a share, you own that much of the company. The share price is what you have to pay for it. If a lot of people want the shares, and there aren't enough to go around, the price will go up. If people don't trust the company, they all try to sell their shares and the price of each share will go down.

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