One tenth of a teaspoon is equal to 0.1 teaspoon. Multiplying 0.1 teaspoon by 4 equals 0.4 teaspoon.
Depends on one tenth of what. A teaspoon, a bucketful?
one tenth as much
No. One tenth involves division by ten. Ten times involves multiplication by 10.
One tenth of a dollar is ten cents. One tenth of a dime is one cent.
One tenth of a teaspoon is equal to 0.1 teaspoon. Multiplying 0.1 teaspoon by 4 equals 0.4 teaspoon.
Depends on one tenth of what. A teaspoon, a bucketful?
yes, one tenth would be 10%, one eighth would be 12.5%
One tenth a teaspoon is a pinch. Ever heard of "A pinch of cinnamin"? Kinda like that.
One-tenth of a teaspoon is volume. Since we do not know what you are measuring or the density of it, all we can do is compare volume to volume. A teaspoon is equal to 5 ml, so one-tenth of that would be 0.5 ml.
It is one tenth of a teaspoon. if you want to measure it then simply measure a tea spoon and break it down into even groups until you haave ten
one tenth as much
100 times less
0.1 tsp, because one gallon is one tenth of ten gallons, so you need one tenth, or 0.1, tsp.
Yes , it is one tenth over half.
One twelfth of a teaspoon is a pinch.
It doesn't. -1 teaspoon goes 3 times into a tablespoon.