two-hundred dollars
Two hundred twenty-seven million four hundred thousand dollars.
two-hundred dollars
Seven million, five hundred thousand dollars
Two hundred twenty-seven million four hundred thousand dollars.
The answer is Two hundred and ten thousand dollars.
Seventy five hundred dollarsORSeven thousand, five hundred dollars
1800 dollars ! Eighteen Hundred Dollars !
Seven thousand, one hundred seven and thirty-nine hundredths.For currency: Seven thousand, one hundred seven dollars and thirty-nine centsFor check-writing: Seven thousand one hundred seven and 39/100 dollars
one million seven hundred fifty thousand seven hundred fifty and 00/100
If a decimal number: six thousand, five hundred point eighty seven, or sixty five hundred point eight seven. If dollars: six thousand five hundred dollars and eight seven cents, or sixty five hundred dollars and eighty seven cents.
The value $700 is "seven hundred dollars."
$ 0.7 million (point seven million dollars).