Most do-it-yourselfers at some point in time have to figure out how much board feet of lumber they will need for a given project. Figuring out board feet of lumber can be confusing for someone who has never had to do it before, or at least not very often. Here is an explanation on how to calculate how many board feet of lumber in a few short steps. Step 1: Gather together a calculator, a pen and some paper. You will need these for the math. Step 2: You will need to know that a board foot is a piece of wood one inch thick, one foot long and one foot wide, and that lumber is calculated by its rough size. This means a 2 x 4 is actually 1 ½ inches thick. Step 3: Learn the formula (Thickness x Width x Length) / 144, so you can calculate your board feet. Any lumber can be calculated by using this simple formula. Step 4: Remember to allow for waste when calculating how many board feet you will need. The higher the grade of lumber you buy, the less waste you will have. With the high grade lumber, a rough estimate of waste should be around 15% while the lower grade estimate about 30% waste. If you are able to calculate board feet, it will help you when ordering or buying wood for any do-it-yourself project and for checking on contractors estimated amounts. You should always be able to know what you are paying for any amount of building material. This simple formula will be able to help you.
750 square units of soil.
You need to specify the depth also.
32 minutes 44 seconds.
5 lbs at 1/4 inch joint.
Lets just say A LOT
20 -30 thousand dollars
Lumber Jacks - 1924 was released on: USA: 30 November 1924
Caterpillars after coming out from the eggs after hatching eats all day and night for about 25 to 30 days. As it eats more food than its weight of the body, their skin splits and they have the need to shed their skin.
At 30 mpg, you will need about 20 gallons. At 20 mpg, you will need about 30 gallons.
A smoke tarp, about 20 - 30 lbs. A steel tarp, 50 - 80 lbs. Lumber tarps, 120 - 150 lbs.
You need 46,000 - 52,999 XP for level 30 in FarmVille.
how much pinto beans do I need to cook for 30 people for one meal
about 30 dollars
To really determine the quantity of lumber, known in the industry as a "takeoff", you need to provide some more info. This would include at a minimum; is it just the four outside walls? Stud,floor/ceiling joist spacing. Rafter spacing as well as roof pitch. Any doors or windows? How many floors? If multiple floors, then stairs also. There are many more factors involved than just the square footage dimensions. A good set of plans(blueprints) would answer all these questions.
You can't.
about 30 minuets a day.