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Q: How much money can a large 5 gallon bottle hold?
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How many liters does a large bottle of milk hold?

A large bottle of milk typically holds about 3.78 liters or one gallon.

Will a 2500 cc bottle hold .5 gallon?

Yes. 2500 cc is 2.5 liters, and the bottle would hold about 0.66 of a US gallon.

How much money in pennies will a half gallon milk jug hold?

A half gallon jug can hold about $25.00 in pennies. (:

What holds 1 gallon?

there are many things that can hold a gallon like for example a jug or a bucket.

How much money will a 5 gallon water jug hold in quarters?

about $95.000

List four containers that can hold more than 1 litre?

mineral water bottle coke bottle castrol oil bottle soy sauce bottle juices bottle

How many pennies will fit in to a 25 gallon glass water bottle?

Assuming an average volume of 0.0285 cubic inches per penny, a 25-gallon glass water bottle (about 4,000 cubic inches) can hold approximately 140,350 pennies.

What is a gallon tank?

It is a tank that will hold one gallon of water when filled to the brim. No tank is ever filled to the brim so the tank will never actually hold a gallon of water. It is not large enough to properly house any fish.

If you filled a 5 Gallon Sparkletts bottle with random amounts of change how much money would it take to fill the bottle?

A 5-gallon Sparkletts bottle can hold about 9795.5 cubic inches. Assuming the average volume of a U.S. coin is about 0.3 cubic inches, you would need approximately 32,652 coins to fill the bottle. The total value would depend on the mix of coins (pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, etc.) and could range from around $326.52 to over $3,265.20.

What reasonable to hold 800 milliliters?

A measuring jar, a large bottle of soft drink or water.

How many dimes fill a wine bottle?

depends on the size of the bottle. A large galllon bottle will hold hundreds in dimes. I have filled a small bottle with dimes over a year and it was $200 plus

How much water does a ten gallon hat hold?

A ten gallon hat is often thought to be large enough to hold ten gallons of water. This is not true (unless you have an exceptionally large head). The gallon in "ten gallon hat" derives from the Spanish galón meaning braid. So a ten-gallon hat is a hat with a braiding around the brim.