A banded stack, like at the bank? $100.
One hundred times the number of bills in the stack. Banks normally wrap bills in roughly half inch-high stacks of 100 bills each. Assuming that this is the size stack you are referring to, then there would be $100 x 100 = $10,000 in such a stack.
387X43"= 1 stack 16641" tall or---1386.75 feet tall
50 bills to a stack, so $5 *50 = 250
A banded stack, like at the bank? $100.
Apx. $2,799,070.00
Depends on how many bills are in the stack.
One hundred times the number of bills in the stack. Banks normally wrap bills in roughly half inch-high stacks of 100 bills each. Assuming that this is the size stack you are referring to, then there would be $100 x 100 = $10,000 in such a stack.
100 dollar bills would stack 44 inch high
Standard U.S. bills weigh 1 gram each.
Approximately $335,520
Approximately $22,900
1 dollar bill is .00011m thick or .011cm 1 mile = 5280ft (x12 in/ft) = 63360in (x2.54cm/in) = 160934.4cm 160943.4cm / .011cm = 14630400 $14,630,400