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Q: How much money to give to 17 year old for birthday?
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How much money to give to a twenty year old for their birthday?

40 dollars

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How much money do give a 7 year on their birthday?

Probably like 20 dollars.. So they can buy a transformers or barbie with it.. I don't know what kids like these days... xD

How much money does the song 'happy birthday' earn?

The song 'Happy Birthday To You' earns about $2 million in royalties every year.

How much money does a 12 year old make in one year?

In a full year.....on average about 250 bucks. This is counting allowance, money found around the house and on the street and, birthday/holiday money.

How much money should give a one year old for there birthday?

Considering a 1 year old child is still a little young to understand the full value of money I would suggest a toy or clothes. Possibly even buying a Saving Bond that will mature when the child can understand money.

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How much money should you give a twelve year old for his birthday?

The amount of money to give a twelve year old for their birthday can vary depending on your relationship and personal preference. A typical range could be anywhere from $20 to $50 as a thoughtful gift. Ultimately, the most important aspect is the sentiment and thoughtfulness behind the gesture rather than the specific amount.

How much money can a parent give a child tax free year?

$13000 in year 2009

How much money does Justin Bieber give to the charity every year?
