

Best Answer
SavingsIf you start with $0.00 and save a penny daily, you will have saved $3.65 in one year (or $3.66 in a leap year).
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Q: How much money will you have in one year if you save a penny everyday?
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Related questions

What does a penny saved a penny earned mean?

A penny earned is a penny saved means the money you save (and you don't spend) then it is earned. Because you don't waste it so it's practically saved.

What is Dollar General's motto?

Dollar General's motto is 'Save Time, Save Money, Everyday'.

How much money do you need to save penny in penguin diner?

It depends, in Penguin Diner there are 42 levels Penny can only return home after you've successfully completed all 42 levels. Hope i helped! :)

If you save a penny a day for 18years how much will you have saved?


What is Savings?

Savings is anything that you do to save money and time. You can save money in bank accounts and investments and you can save money everyday buy using coupons, turning off the lights, cancelling services you do not need etc.

What do everyday reward card give you?

save money earn points enjoy exclusive rewards

How much money can you save by shopping online?

People can save a lot of money by shopping online. Not only because there are so many more options to choose from but it will also cut down on everyday expenses (such as gas in the car) because you don't have to leave the comfort of your own home to shop!

Need a sentence of a penny save is a penny earned?

I am a penny save is a penny gained because i am better off saving small amounts. Does this help?

How much money is it to save a dolphin?

As much as you can donate!

Whose famous quote is a penny saved is a penny earned?

The phrase is from Benjamin Franklin's book Poor Richard's Almanack and refers to the idea that saving money is hard work and happens a penny at a time, or alternatively, that being thrifty and not spending money is just as good as earning it.Demonstrates the principle of closure if you only read one "is."You save money you get money.

What does the proverb a penny saved is a penny gained mean?

if you earn a penny and you save it

How much money do solar panels save you?

Not much in the short term but in the long term it will save you loads