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Two dollars.

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Q: How much money would you have if you were given 1 and that dollar amount doubled over 1 year?
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How do you find the total money amount made when you are given a percent commission and a dollar amount?

Multiply the dollar amount by (1/100) of the percent commission.

What is the largest amount of money?

The 100 dollar bill.

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There is only 1 way to change the amount of money you earn from Pokémon battling if one of your Pokémon is holding the item the Amulet Coin and it participates in the battle your prize money will be doubled

What is the average amount of money north Korea has?

4,0000 dollar

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Three cents

Save Big Money On Double Coupons?

Using coupons can save a good bit of money when you go shopping, but what if you were able to save more money on one coupon? Some stores are now beginning to double the value of manufacturers and store coupons. The coupon will only be doubled up to a certain amount. Most of the time the amount of the coupon has to be less than one dollar. The value of the coupon will be doubled once you check out at the register. On certain days, stores will offer super double coupons. Take advantage of these sales as the value that the coupon can be is raised and you save more money on each purchase.

What is the minimum amount of cash that can be withdrawn?

1 dollar (in u.s. money)

How do you write the money amount as a fraction in dollars 0.87?

87/100 dollar

What is a name given to the amount of money given a person to attend an event?

A name commonly used for the amount of money given to a person to attend an event is a "stipend." This is often provided to cover expenses related to attending the event.

Why is a public-private agreement good for a community?

a much larger dollar value of improvements for a given amount of public money. This improves the transportation infrastructure and provides many more jobs than a project built solely with public money.

Do you say token of money or token amount of money?

It depends what you mean to say. "Token of money" means a coinlike substitute for real money, which can be used exclusively on buses or other forms of mass transit. These are usually called "tokens". A token amount of something, on the other hand, is an amount just large enough to be able to say that it was paid. In the same way that a token minority employee is the one employee of the minority hired to prove that minorities are hired, a "token amount of money" is an amount given just to say that something was given. People often talk about leaving a token amount of money to someone in their wills, saying "I leave to my cousin John Jones the sum of one dollar." Likewise, a token amount of money might refer to an honorarium, a gift for services which is grossly less than the value of the services really is, and which is given to volunteers. Where I come from, "token amount of money" is more idiomatic than "token of money". It may be different elsewhere.