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Q: How much more mass does a styrofoam cube have than a lead cube?
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Is a styrofoam cube's mass of 100 grams more dense than a marble?

of course, the answer is simple... the answer is... No or yes... 50/50 chance -- you guess!

What has more mass a tennis ball or a styrofoam ball?

A tennis ball has more mass than a styrofoam ball. Tennis balls are typically made of rubber and have a greater density compared to styrofoam, which is a lightweight material.

Does a large cube have more mass than a small cube?

A large cube may have more mass than a small cube if it is made from a denser material or if it has a greater volume, meaning more matter is packed into the large cube. However, the size alone does not determine the mass.

What has more mass an aluminum cube or plastic cube?

An aluminum cube typically has more mass than a plastic cube of the same size, as aluminum is a denser material compared to plastics. Density is a key factor in determining the mass of an object.

Which has more mass styrafoam or metal?

mass is sort of like the measure of an objects volume, and has no set number per substance, but density is a fixed figure. As to which object is denser, it depends what type of metal you are talking about, but most of the time metal would be more dense. As to how much mass they have, it depends how big the piece of Styrofoam is, and what type and how big the metal is.

How is mass difrent from volume?

The volume of an object is (for most intents and purposes) the amount of space it takes up. For example, a cube with side lengths all equal to 1cm will have a volume of 1cm3. The mass of an object is how much it weighs, which varies depending on the density of the object. A cube made of lead will weigh significantly more than a cube made of plastic, and hence have much higher mass, though their volumes might be identical.

What one has more mass an atom of gold or lead?

An atom of lead has more mass than an atom of gold. This is because lead has a greater atomic mass than gold, due to the larger number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in a lead atom compared to a gold atom.

Would a 20lb bowling ball weigh more than a 3-foot cube of styrofoam?

Yes and no: the ball would weigh more (yes) but they don't make balls that big (no).

How many meters of lead would you need to make 1000kg?

It is not possible to give a sensible answer to this question. You can have thousands of metres of lead in the form of a microscopically thin wire and it would have very little mass. On the other hand, you could have a huge block of lead, 1/2 metre cube, and its mass would be more than 1000 kg. Take your pick!

Does an ice cube have the same amount of energy as a block of ice?

No, an ice cube does not have the same amount of energy as a block of ice. The energy content of an object depends on its mass, temperature, and phase. A block of ice has more mass and therefore more energy than an ice cube of the same material.

What are high density and low density materials?

High density materials have tightly packed particles, resulting in greater mass per unit volume (e.g. lead, gold). Low density materials have more spaced-out particles, leading to lower mass per unit volume (e.g. styrofoam, cork).

What has more mass 10 kilograms of feathers or 6 kilograms of lead?

10 kg is greater than 6 kg. kg is the unit of mass. Hence feather has more mass than lead in this case.